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Jing Jin Therapy

tcm Jing Jin Therapy

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

About Jing Jin Therapy

Jingjin Therapy is an ancient Chinese therapeutic approach that focuses on the Jingjin system. This system comprises the fascial tissues associated with the twelve meridians, including muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fascia, which are crucial for providing support and facilitating movement within the body.

The human body possesses a remarkable self-healing capacity. However, when exposed to prolonged or repetitive injuries or external factors like wind, cold, or dampness, the Jingjin tissues can become compromised. This can lead to the development of stiffness, tension, spasms, and adhesions, known as “jingjie” (筋结) or pathological lesions. These lesions can manifest in various Jingjin-related disorders, resulting in symptoms such as pain, numbness, and impaired function.

Jingjin therapy recognizes the significance of the fascial tissues and their association with the meridians. By identifying specific acupuncture points related to pathological lesions, Jingjin therapy aims to address these imbalances at both the cellular and larger-scale levels, targeting individual cells as well as tissues, organs, and systems within the body.

Aspects of Chinese

TCM Jing Jin Therapy

In This Therapy

Hand technique is applied to specific points along the meridians and sinews, aiming to promote the smooth flow of Qi (vital energy) and blood circulation, as well as release any blockages or tension in the meridians and sinews. It targets both the meridians (energy channels) and the sinews (tendons, ligaments, and fascia). It is believed that when the meridians and sinews are unblocked and functioning properly, the body's natural healing abilities are enhanced, and pain and discomfort can be alleviated. It is commonly used to treat various musculoskeletal issues, such as muscle pain, joint stiffness, sprains, and strains. It is also effective for promoting relaxation and overall well-being.


Pain Relief

This therapy is effective in relieving various types of musculoskeletal pain, including muscle aches, joint pain, and tension headaches. By releasing blockages and promoting the smooth flow of Qi and blood in the meridians and sinews, it helps reduce pain and discomfort.

Improved Flexibility

involves stretching and mobilizing the muscles and joints, which can lead to increased flexibility and range of motion. It is particularly beneficial for individuals with stiffness or limited mobility.

Stress Reduction

Induces a state of relaxation and helps reduce stress and anxiety. The manipulation of meridians and acupoints can also have a calming effect on the nervous system.

Enhanced Circulation

By stimulating the meridians and sinews, blood circulation and lymphatic drainage are improved, which aids in the removal of waste products from tissues and promotes better nutrient and oxygen delivery to cells.

Balancing Energy Flow

Balance the flow of vital energy, promoting harmony within the body and supporting its self-healing mechanisms.

Immune System Boost

A well-functioning meridian system is to support the body’s immune system by increasing energy flow.

Holistic Approach

Addressing not only physical symptoms but also considering emotional and energetic imbalances, which lead to profound and long-lasting benefits.

Improved Organ Function

By targeting acupuncture points along the meridians and improving the associated fascial tissues, which contribute to improved digestion, hormonal balance, respiratory function, and other physiological processes.

Who Should Avoid TCM Jing Jin Therapy

Pregnant Women

Pregnant women, especially those in their third trimester, should avoid Jing Jin therapy, particularly on the abdomen and lower back, due to the potential risk of inducing labor or causing discomfort.

Severe Skin Conditions

For individuals with severe skin conditions, open wounds, ulcers, rashes, or who are prone to allergic reactions, Jing Jin therapy should be avoided as it could potentially intensify their conditions.


Jing Jin therapy may not be suitable for children due to their sensitive muscles and tendons. A consultation with a qualified pediatric Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner is advised before considering this therapy for children.

Severe Health Conditions

Individuals with severe health conditions, particularly those with bleeding disorders, those taking blood-thinning medications, or those with significant liver or kidney dysfunctions, should coordinate with their healthcare providers to avoid Jing Jin therapy.

Post-Surgery or Fresh Wounds

Jing Jin therapy should be avoided in areas of recent surgery or fresh wounds or scars until they are completely healed.

Cancer Treatment

Patients undergoing cancer treatments like radiation or chemotherapy should avoid Jing Jin therapy due to potential physical weakness and complications, including a low platelet count, which can cause excessive bruising.

Blood Thinners, Clotting Disorders, or Diabetes

Individuals taking blood thinners, having clotting disorders, or with diabetes are advised to avoid Jing Jin therapy due to the risk of excessive bruising or potential complications.

Elderly Individuals

Elderly individuals with fragile skin or weak muscles and tendons should consult with their healthcare provider before deciding to receive Jing Jin therapy.

Chronic Conditions

Those with chronic conditions such as heart disease, respiratory issues, or any other serious long-term illnesses should consult their healthcare provider before deciding to receive Jing Jin therapy.

Medical Implants

People with medical implants, such as pacemakers or defibrillators, should avoid Jing Jin therapy as it could potentially interfere with the functioning of these devices.

Vascular Diseases

People with vascular diseases, such as varicose veins or deep vein thrombosis, should avoid Jing Jin therapy due to the risk of causing damage to the blood vessels.

Recent Bone Fractures or Injuries

People with recent bone fractures or injuries should avoid Jing Jin therapy until they have fully healed to prevent further injury.

Infectious Diseases

People with infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis or skin infections, should avoid Jing Jin therapy to prevent the spread of the disease.

Severe Fatigue or Exhaustion

People who are severely fatigued or exhausted should avoid Jing Jin therapy as it could potentially exacerbate their condition.

It is important to note that the effectiveness of Jing Jin therapy varies from person to person, and it is best administered by trained and experienced practitioners who understand Traditional Chinese Medicine principles.

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